Sunday, September 28, 2008

You HAVE to see this.

Oh holy jesus. Look what someone sent me on myspace. Are you kidding me? What kind of scam could this be? I'm just curious, and want to give you a good laugh.

Hi there. I'm sorry if this is a bit strange, but I had to give it a try. I'm a young writer, and I'm in a band. We're new, but there's a decent chance we'll be famous within a year or so. And yeah, I know how that sounds. We're based in Chicago, but I came out here a little while ago with my ex, and to write. I'm 5'9, dark blond hair, blue eyes, 165 lb, cute baby face.The reason I sent you this is this. And feel free to tell me to piss off... but I just went through something of a... messy... breakup, and honestly I find you attractive and am looking for something um... more when I'm here in colorado.I do have pictures, and I will send after we talk for a few minutes. I need to be careful, discreet at first. Partially because I really don't want to hurt my ex's feelings letting her know I'm out looking like this. And also because I need to be careful bandwise. If we talk for a few minutes and I feel like we're on the same wavelength, and I can trust you, I'll send pictures, no problem.Like I said, feel free to fell me to fck off. If you may be interested, IM me on yahoo at ethan812003 or AIM at ethanamb2005. Or tell me your screenname.You're ridiculously hot in your picture, by the way...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Peter Bjorn and John

Grand National

Two very good new bands! Just if maybe you need something new to listen to.

I'm at work. So bored. Thinking about all the things I could potentially do after work, and considering just sleeping till tomorrow. Depression giveaways-sleeping. But if I don't go to sleep, then I'm going to see a Burlesque show! I wish I was there with you. Watching you work, hanging out with your new manliness. Meeting my maniless to be. Being happy. I'm just exhausted all the time now. Tired tired tired. Tattoo soon. Did I already tell you I turned it over to two different artists? The battle is on!

Also must get a camera. Because my blog sucks in comparison now.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Today I talked to Nathan via text. I really do miss him. I don't know where you guys stand, but I hope you will get a long sooner rather than later. I turned your design over to my tattoo guy. I can't wait to see how he's going to make it come to life. I don't think I can leave it as a rectangle, which stinks, because that gets rid of the border, but I don't know. I think I'll add in gemini symbols around the circles in the oval border? Sound like a good idea?

I've come to terms with my ridiculously busy life. Although I'm always exhausted, and never have to sit down, think, or do relaxing things for myself. I have lots of money. And therefore will be able to spend a lot of time in WISCONSIN come January. I'm thinking around the 3rd to around the 17th? I miss everyone. Especially you. And Sam. I wish that I could live out there so I could stop thinking that he has doesn't care for me at all, and either come to terms with the fact that he doesn't, or start dating that lovely man.

Maybe you could come visit me sometime? We could have a lot of fun together. Bar-hopping. Partying. Dancing. Hiking. Walking. Enjoying life with you, because that's my favorite way to survive!

In addition to all my other bitching and moaning, what if I did my hair like this? I love it.
