Thursday, October 28, 2010

For me!


09.21.2010 Asked Sam to move out.

09.22.2010 Sam forged Lease. Lydia came over. Voiced my not wanting to live with him.

09.23.2010 Pictures. Later that day Sam agrees to move out over Winter Break.

10.26.2010 6:45 p.m. Sam approaches me about the beginning of mold in the bathroom. I acknowledge it's presence, and he says something along the line of, "Well we should probably clean it, just to stop it from getting worse." I respond telling him I've already cleaned it before and yes, we should do that. He offers to do it. 10.29.2010 mold still has not been cleaned.

10.27.2010 11:54 a.m. Text from me stating, "I picked December 16th for the moveout date. And Byron agreed to be our witness. Sound good?" (Another text, after no response) "I understand if you're upset but we have to take care of this."
Sam:"I know I'm looking for places. Why do you need Byron as a witness?"
Me: "To sign the thing to release you from the lease and to make sure you have an opportunity to move back in when I leave."
Sam: "Yeah I want a signed copy saying that I get it when you move out."

10.27.2010 - Giving me silent treatment. Showed him document. Visibly upset, says he has to have his Dad look at anything before he signs. I email him the document from to Document saved in "Important" file on hotmail account.

10.28.2010 Sam still giving silent treatment.

10.29.2010 2:15p.m. Talked to Sam. Approached by saying, "Hi. Are you not talking to me?" He's upset that he has to move. I addressed the email listed above. He says, "I'm looking for places, don't get on my ass about it or anything." Rude, for no reason. I commented that we could tailor the document to best suit our needs, he doesn't acknowledge.

11.03.2010 Still silent. 1:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. clean mold in bathroom listed above.
3:28 p.m. - Send text message to Sam saying, "Would the 18th or the 19th work better? I can change the agreement to better suit me giving my notice too. I'll email a newer version." Proceeded to email him the new agreement from to

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