Thursday, December 2, 2010

For me!

12.02.2010 Text conversation:
Me: "I want you to know this isn't the way I wanted it to go. But I can see no other way to make you understand. If you want to sit down and have a meeting after finals let me know. Otherwise communication will cease." 7:16pm
Sam: "Its not the way I wanted it to go either. But its gone past the point where I want to maintain a friendship w you. I've seen a whole different side of you." 7:19pm
Me: "Its the same for me." 7:19pm
Sam: "I'm not moving anywhere. That's final." 7:20pm "We can still meet tho. I'm curious as to what you are proposing." 7:23pm
Came home, frusterated and crying about the situation.
Me: "I need you to get all your items out of my fridge." 7:45pm

After a verbal in person communication takes places. I ask him to get all his items out of the fridge. He calls Lydia, she agrees it's my fridge, and from what I heard expresses sympathy for his situation. It sounded like she asked if he was going to move in the near future, he denied. And she asked him again about the marijuana. He denied again.

He begins to remove everything out of the fridge, but I ask him to stop saying, "Nevermind. I thought this would make me feel better but it doesn't." We have a discuss about our situation, I say almost everything that was included in the long length letter below. I express how unfair I feel the situation is. He is sure to assure me he knows that it sucks, but that he doesn't care and will not be moving out. Under any circumstance. I again try to tell him to understand the situation in reverse and he just doesn't care. I ask him what we are going to do, are we just going to live like this till one of us get's tired. He assures me he will not be getting tired. I say okay, I don't want to have to do this, but if that's how it is then please get your shit out of my fridge, don't use this counter top, microwave, anything that's mine. I conclude with, "So get your shit off my counter." Takes place between 7:47 to 8:15pm.

For me!

12.02.2010 Came home from lunch with Tyler Glasser. Around 3:10 p.m. Found a note tapped to the door (tape that I bought him) stating, "STAY OUT OF MY ROOM! THANKS, SAM" Continued to text him at 3:16pm "I never went in your room. Stay off my furniture. I have a list of things that are off limits to you." Left him note on door (written in pink ink, dated and timed) from previous shorter draft (3:25pm). Tyler present. Moved all my stuff out of the common area of the basement. Removed him linens from my shelf in sun room. Left note on his bookshelf in the living room saying, "Move this bookshelf and the items on it to either the basement or your room. Thanks! :) Caitlin" at 4:13pm.

Text conversation as follows:
Me: "I'll also be needed the space you are occupying in the sunroom on my shelves. I'll place those items in a box in front of your door." 3:44pm
Sam: "Um no. I have as much right to that space as you. Don't touch anything. My books and bookshelf are staying there." 4:08pm "The whole upstairs isn't entitled to you. Don't touch any of my stuff or I will file a complaint that you are disrespecting my property and rights to the house" 4:10pm
Me: "I'm talking about the items on my shelves in the sunroom. This is how this will work: you get your room and the basement. We share the bathroom and kitchen."4:14pm
Sam: "Um no I have a lease for the whole house. I'll go wherever I want. Except your room because that is dis respectful. I also won't touch your things" 4:17pm "And you can't touch anything of mine" 4:18pm
Me: "You touched things of mine when you moved it off my couches to use something that wasn't yours. I'm simply removing your items from my items." 4:19pm "I never violated your space. You violated mine when you refused to leave. I was living here first you are entitled to half the living space. You have half of it." 4:21pm
Sam: "Yeah you did. I know more than you think Caitlin." 4:22pm "By the way I never said I was not going to sign the lease." 4:23pm

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

For me!

12.02.2010 Drafted nice letter to Sam. Will copy and paste here. 12:43 am.

Dear Sam,

This is my final polite attempt to reasonably ask you to move-out and end tenancy at 1339 Lipan St, Denver, Co, 80204. I have provided many reasons as to why I do not want you to live here. In the beginning it was your friend Cameron staying on my couch every Monday and Wednesday night in order to make an early class (that he sometimes chose not to go to). Then it was the random female overnight guests, at my count 5-6, only one of which I knew (Christa) because she came by more than once. It was the annoyance of having girls I didn’t know relaxing on my couches when I wanted to use them, and the danger of having them leave in the morning, or late at night, and leaving the door unlocked. It is the yellow mold (as I know it) that has come dripping down my walls since you have moved in. Due to your long showers and lack of ventilation. These same long showers that have prompted me to go to the gym early (or anywhere with a toilet) when I’m not able to use the restroom because you monopolize it. And then your acknowledgment of the mold that you never cleaned. It’s the fact that I feel like a maid now. I am the only one who does any cleaning. I accepted the responsibility of finding recycling (something that benefits you, our neighbors, and the environment). I know this may be hard for you to understand, but you moved into a household where you got only benefits from the place I was originally living; benefits that were put in place by me. Benefits that I got from hard work (working two jobs) and 18 credit hour school schedules. Everything I enjoyed about my house was ripped out from under me when you moved in.

Your ignorance and lack of apathy for the fact that I really only had four days to choose a roommate. Between Austin leaving with only two weeks notice, and me going on vacation. I would have gladly paid an extra month rent in order to avoid this situation, but unfortunately for me I didn’t have the money to spare seeing as I spent it all on plane tickets. And whether you want to admit it or not, the fact that you are lucky that I was in that down trodden situation because Byron and Colleen wanted the place to themselves, and had I not asked you to move in you would eventually be moving out their house into the same situation I am proposing now. The unnerving fact that, I honestly brought up my issues with you, and then you told me, not 10 minutes before Lydia came over to sign the EPA agreement, that you would not sign a lease at that time and you did it anyways. That I was nice enough at the time, to not make a scene and air your dissatisfactory living habits to Lydia because it’s not a decent thing to do to a person. A mistake I made again in your favor. The fact that I trusted you to not sign the agreement until you had another place locked down, even though you weren’t making the proper sacrifices to actually move. The fact that, because of the devious way you signed a lease, I have no way to protect myself. Lydia is unwilling to help me because she doesn’t want to get involved. I voiced that I would be uncomfortable living with you, and I basically ended up getting assigned you as a roommate.

What you are doing in my eyes is preying on my niceness. I gave you three months to figure out your living situation. I ask you again to imagine this situation in reverse. If you had been living here and loving it, and you were in a similar situation (limited time, money, choices) and that someone moved in that you didn’t enjoy living with. And when you politely asked them to leave, they said they would, then said they wouldn’t. And told you, “If you don’t like living here, then you should move.” How would you feel if you had heard this: Move out of your own home (that you were living in first), because you accidently invited the wrong person to live with you (something you can’t know until you actually make the decision). It’s rude, and breaks all the laws of common decency. I’ve done everything I can to accommodate your needs to move-out. And rather than be honest and accept the difficult task ahead of you (getting a higher paying job, working more, taking out a loan, going to your parents, etc.) you take the route of attempting to force the rightful tenant (me) out of my home.

For me!

12.01.2010 11:45pm Sam has violated my personal items in the living room between the hours of 8:20pm to present. Drafted letter to Sam about the issue. "Sam, Please do not use or touch things that belong to me. This includes, but is not limited to: the couches, dining room table, chairs, towels, dishes (cups, plates, etc.), utensils, large stock food items, kitchen products (blender, teapot, cutting boards, etc.) electronics, etc. Respect the space I laboriously created prior to your arrival at the house I call my home. Thanks. Caitlin."

For me!

11.24.2010 4:39 pm Called Lydia Aragon. Reached her. Briefly explained why I needed to talk to her, Sam. Made sure to mention that it needed to be at a location other than my house. Set Monday November 30th at 11:00 am.

11.30.2010 Met with Lydia Aragon at her home address. Brought my father, all our logged converstaions, Megan's information, pictures of the lease violations, and my 30-day notice. Discussed my case. She expressed sorrow. Asked her to give us a decision by Friday December 3rd 2010.

12.01.2010 Lydia Aragon called to let me know she wouldn't feel comfortable helping me. talked for 19 min and 59 seconds. I pleaded my situation again. Let her know everything that is going on. She is very reluctant to help me. Said she didn't want to be "put in the middle".

12.01.2010 Sam Olivas-Mortiz texts me. Conversation follows:
Sam: "Hey was meaning to talk to you. So what's going on? Are you moving out?" (8:19pm)
Me: "Not for like another year and a half. Can you keep that white pilow in your toom or the basement? Thanks!" (8:27pm)
Sam: "Haha sure, didn't know that pillow was such a bother with all your crap everywhere. But Cool i'll be here for another 2 years ish." (8:33pm) "Hopefull we figure out how to live together peacefully." (8:33pm)
Me: "Perhaps." (8:34pm)
Sam: "Cool... Talk to you Friday" ";)" (8:35pm)